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Showing posts from 2021

Lying Cocksuckers (leave well-enough alone)

  My father quoted Shakespeare and Kipling, with ease. He named his first son for Churchill.  He was a Jamaican man who was raised as a Scot.  When push came to shove, he abandoned breeding, pretentions and affectations, and referred to people like these as lying “cocksuckers.”   From: Richard Hylton < > Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2021 8:39 AM To: '' < >; '' < >; '' < > Cc: '' < >; '' < >; '' < >; '' < >; 'blouie@pd.c...

Galveston oh Galveston. The superstitious lore of a backward people

Plead me guilty of causing  “unnecessary alarm among the natives.” If they had taken heed of the wild prattling of a backward man, Scripps would have saved themselves a few million dollars, and their patients much hardship and pain. In February 2021, I started a communication campaign, as per usual. The clowns at Scripps had somehow managed to remove my MyScripps Account, and in doing so kicked me out of the queue for Covid-19 vaccines. I dare boast that I had expected it; I had predicted it, and told many of my prediction; The many, included some members of the media, and most importantly, the California Department of Justice. It is not that I expected a personal attack, but that I held, vocalized and wrote that means and methods would be found to deny vaccines to Black people, when a viable vaccination was perfected, and made available. In or around December 2020, my health care provider, Scripps Health communicated by Email that it would be offering Covid-19 vaccines in the near...

Be careful of how you allow people to treat you, for you are training them

 Someone important said the title line, Orwell? It seems that some elected officials are so used to Blacks being short-changed, that they see it as normal, and behave accordingly. The below was sent to the Center For Policing Equity, and many others. I pine for your study of the operations of the San Diego Police Department, now long overdue. The people here, those who should know of its whereabouts, claim ignorance. I hate studies, but would rather read that than Opinion Pieces like, The Budget Should Fund Public Safety Beyond Just Policing , from a  decorum-observing member of the San Diego City Council; one who actively promotes an alternate, earlier, outdated and  watered-down study of the SDPD.   When not cavorting and conversing with advocates for the abolition of the police (not merely defunding them; which expression, that when unexplained, is devastatingly damaging because of its unambiguous meaning), our opinion writer claims/feigns ignorance, and ma...

Anything For Armstrong

  January 28, 2021   Richard Hylton San Diego, CA 92129 or   William H. Orrick III United States District Court Northern District of California 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102   Re: Allen v. City of Oakland, Case No. C00-4599 WHO                 By Surface Mail   Dear Judge Orrick. I am a resident of California who lives in San Diego. Members of my family have lived in San Francisco, California since the 1930s. Most of my family lives in the Bay Area; scattered from Daly City to Hercules.   My brother has had experiences with the Oakland Police Department. His Rastafarian hair operated as a magnet. He moved to San Francisco. My niece no longer lives in Oakland. Her family lives in Oakland. I visit Oakland less often than I used to. My last visit to Oakland was a drive-through, in S...