Plead me guilty of causing “unnecessary alarm among the natives.” If they had taken heed of the wild prattling of a backward man, Scripps would have saved themselves a few million dollars, and their patients much hardship and pain. In February 2021, I started a communication campaign, as per usual. The clowns at Scripps had somehow managed to remove my MyScripps Account, and in doing so kicked me out of the queue for Covid-19 vaccines. I dare boast that I had expected it; I had predicted it, and told many of my prediction; The many, included some members of the media, and most importantly, the California Department of Justice. It is not that I expected a personal attack, but that I held, vocalized and wrote that means and methods would be found to deny vaccines to Black people, when a viable vaccination was perfected, and made available. In or around December 2020, my health care provider, Scripps Health communicated by Email that it would be offering Covid-19 vaccines in the near...