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Sacramento: A failure to create Early Warning Systems costs lives.

The California Department of Justice has had the power and obligation to take all necessary steps to ensure that the laws of the State are equally applied and that persons are not denied the protections of the California and United States Constitutions, on prohibited bases. That the CA-DOJ has failed in this undertaking; has failed spectacularly is not open to debate; see first its 11 month-tardy implementation of  the base requirements of AB953. The CA_DOJ has had access to Sacramento's Database of Police interactions which Database are the basis for officer evaluation— an early warning system—and failed to act on it. That the local stewards of the business of the City of Sacramento, failed to curtail the exercise of the baser instincts of the "Shootists", of recent renown, is worse. Their inclinations towards Blacks shine plain and have done so for years. There is at least 2 years of data to prove it.

At this writing, I do not have the identification of the individual "Shootists", but I expect to have them within 10 days, unless the standard tactic of evasion is exercised. I do have the records of their interactions with the public, however. I am in a position to comment on display the disparities the exist department-wide. Similar data exists at the officer-level.

Summary of Findings

1.      Sacramento officers stopped, searched, arrested, and issued more citations to Blacks, by proportion, than Whites and Asians. They ordered Blacks out of their cars more often, and detained them longer. Hispanics fare better, but not well. These findings remain constant, and so significant, over a span of two years. As a practical matter, to understand the within, one needs go no farther than the stacked-bar chart on  reproduced here.

Figure 5

2.    When the two years are separated, the trend in adverse consequences for stop and post-stop encounters shows worsening for Blacks and Hispanics. 

3.       Blacks receive a disproportionate share of citations; 1.7 times as many, by population, as Whites.

4.      The extraordinarily low citation rate[1] for Blacks (7% lower than the next closest group, and 14% below Whites) is the result of an extraordinarily disproportionately high number of stops; a disproportion shown in the massive Disparity Index of 2.54 (Stops to Population %; the disparity to Whites, who have a disparity index of .79, is 3.22.)

5.      The stop disproportion for Blacks, by far, outstrips that all other groups.
·         Some 35.28% of SACRAMENTO stops were of Blacks, who make up 13.90% of Sacramento’s population. When compared to the inverse disproportion enjoyed by Whites, Black stop disproportion is massive.
·         Asians are around 18.30% of the population but compose only 7.40%  of stops; an inverse disparity to population, and to Whites. A Massive inverse proportionality to Blacks and Hispanics.
·         Whites are 34.70% of the population but compose just 27.45% of stops; an inverse disparity.
·         Hispanics are 26.40% of the population and compose 22.13% of stops.

6.      The ACLU holds that Consent Searches are discretionary searches and that these are good indicators of bias. Blacks are searched 2.39 times as often as Whites but yield 26% fewer Hits, and 30% fewer than Asians; Sacramento wastes resources with its Black- Focus. See Error! Reference source not found.

7.      There is no forbearance data.

8.      The rate at which Blacks are ordered to exit Vehicles, are monstrous when compared to Whites (2.15) only Hispanics approach them, and that approach is not close. It suggests that bigotry suggest that Blacks are perceived as being inherently more dangerous, a misapprehension that has resulted in deaths.

9.      At 13.38 minutes, the stop duration for Blacks is 13% higher than it is for Whites. Here again they are in the company of Hispanics, a group that “enjoys” an average stop duration of 12.91 minutes.

10.  Many stops continue to appear to be motivated by a “Hit”-driven desire to determine the parole or probationary status of individuals who are often assumed to be predominantly Black or Hispanic. However, there is no data to show how SACRAMENTO is able to say how such persons —those subject to 4th Waiver searches— may be identified. The disparities shown by these data suggest that race is the basis of “identification”; it usually is.

11.  Except for two values “Hit Rates” (Error! Reference source not found.), a value derived from searches, and Citation Rates (Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found.) there are no instances where stop or post-stop rates for Asians are greater than Whites; a peculiar privilege, Asian Privilege. See also Error! Reference source not found..

12.  All disparities between Blacks and Whites and large; those between Blacks and Asians are massive.

[1] Citation rate is the number of citations div. total stops. Citation issuance rate is citation rate div. population %; here EDP.


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