June 19, 2019 Commissioner Warren Stanley CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL 601 North 7th Street Sacramento, CA 95811 By Certified mail 7017 1450 0001 3022 3352 Dear Commissioner; When the procedures that sliced and diced, stratified and accumulated values from the RIPA-stop data were done, last Thursday or Friday, I, mindful that the CHP had been collecting stop data for around 20 years under compulsion by a Settlement Agreement or Court Order, to analyse that data, decided to use Google to see what results were published on the CHP’s analyses. I found nothing. Instead, what existed and exists in some abundance, is press coverage of discussions that seemed centered on the 24 complaints, none sustained, of Racial Profiling that were fielded by the California Highway Patrol, and investigated by the CHP itself (I am sure that the CHP did not notice the obvious conflict-of interest.) The self-exoneration was reported as proof that there was little, if any, Racial ...