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File this under the category of Things that People in Glass Houses Should Not Do

On Friday my Daily Gleaner update contained an article where the information was sourced from some arrogant bastards—universe bosses, who know everything about terrorism except about their own.

US Crime Report: Jamaica May Be Target For Potential Terrorists

What happened on Saturday and Sunday will cause neither pause nor humility. The silly fuckers will continue to preach to the world.

Some of the comments to the article were priceless. A few follow:

  • I'll bet if Jamaica was a country whose majority population was Caucasian, with the same crime stats, our risk for potential terrorism would be zero.

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      But wait nuh dem produce the guns🤔

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          Report like this to a small place like that gives people ideas. Why the Caribbean? There people and country are not connected politically to anyone country ,or that may be changing. Perhaps there government needs to look in the mirror to see who is looking back at them.
          Saying such a thing can damage that small place tourism product. By the way now a day terrorism comes in many form,not only in gun violence. They already have home grown terrorism. That's bad enough.

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              The USA is lecturing Jamaica about having a "porous border".😂😂😂😂😂


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