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Showing posts from May, 2015

Fat chances and Slim and Slim has left Cleveland

Richard Hylton   < > 12:16 PM (22 hours ago) to  martiemerald ,  markkersey ,  myrtlecole ,  loriezapf ,  scottsherman ,  toddgloria , Shelly ,  Denise ,  Michael ,  880 ,  JGOLDSMITH ,  Jennifer Cleveland (my continuing commentary) Around a dozen cops fire 137 shots, into a car, killing two unarmed Blacks. The prosecutor charges  one   with manslaughter, because he and he alone climbed upon the hood of the  suspects'  (black = suspect) car  and emptied his gun while firing through the windshield.  He  was acquitted Saturday of criminal charges by a judge who said he could not determine that  the officer alone  fired the fatal shots. And the people in Cleveland do not seem to understand that the judge  was forced to his conclusion by a  prosecutor- engineer . Fear the cops; fear the prosecutors more; FBI D...

Closed but now open

The below, in black, is a communication sent to Josh Chanin of SDSU on May 20, 2015. I regret that Chanin is a part of a process that seeks to control the very lives of people who are victims of police misconduct. He does so my silent machination. Chanin has long ago concluded that Blacks and Hispanics are subjected to substantial bias at the hands of the SDPD yet he has chosen to be silent about it, irrespective of the national crisis that faces Blacks (and Hispanics to a slightly lesser degree.) Equally troubling is the fiction that his silence (and the assertion that Mari Emerald's February assignment of task) allows. It allows them to be able to claim that after months of examining the data, they (SDSU) find it inconclusive, unreliable etc. The fact is that Chanin and many others were made aware of the diminishing collection  trend and other defects (October-November 2014) , and of the actuality ; circa Jan 16, 2015. To pretend ignorance is Fraud for ...