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Cleveland (my continuing commentary)
Around a dozen cops fire 137 shots, into a car, killing two unarmed Blacks. The prosecutor charges one with manslaughter, because he and he alone climbed upon the hood of the suspects' (black = suspect) car and emptied his gun while firing through the windshield.
He was acquitted Saturday of criminal charges by a judge who said he could not determine that the officer alone fired the fatal shots. And the people in Cleveland do not seem to understand that the judge was forced to his conclusion by a prosecutor-engineer. Fear the cops; fear the prosecutors more; FBI Director Comey and his foolish opinions be damned (Comey, in a speech a Georgetown University, several months ago, asserted @9:40, and beyond, that legal inequities had little or nothing to do with biased policing prosecutors or judges. Tell him to look at the SDPD data.)
Well played Mr. Prosecutor!
The Justice Department will be reviewing the case. This is the Justice Department that did not notice (or act on the information) that Whites use drugs at around the same rate as Blacks but that Blacks were four times as likely to go to prison for it, and for a longer term; no litanies today.
According to Denise Viera, the Justice Department has 20 lawyers assigned to Civil Rights matters. Perhaps, in part, because of this staffing problem, this same Justice Department assigned the PERF characters, who spent a full year investigating police misconduct, yet failed to include the misconduct that affects Blacks and Hispanics to a massively disproportionate degree. Moreover some aspect of it is a revenue generator.
Meanwhile this City Council is attempting to allow a SDSU professor to sit on findings from his data analysis -which findings are intending to determine if the SDPD practices biased or targeted policing- for 10 months. I suppose the simple plain language of the Rose memorandum is insufficient.
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Richard Hylton <hyltonrichard@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Hylton <hyltonrichard@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Fat chance that evidence from body-cams is conclusive
To: Shelly Zimmerman <sdpdpolicechief@pd.sandiego.gov>, kevinfaulconer@sandiego.gov, "Salvador, Jericho" <jsalvador@pd.sandiego.gov>, cwexler@policeforum.org,JGOLDSMITH@sandiego.gov, Jennifer McClory <Jennifer.McClory@doj.ca.gov>, "Denise Viera Esq." <Denise.Viera@usdoj.gov>
Videos can and will be defeated by clever manipulative prosecutors who wish to nullify the evidentiary value that they contain. In New York we had 5 fat cops involved in the take-down of a big fat guy. Four are given immunity in exchange for their testimony against the one who applied the choke-hold. The video shows some fat cops on top of the fat guy, pinning him to the ground, while one has the choke-hold applied,The Grand Jury is asked if Pantaleo, the choke-holder, caused big Eric's death. The video shows that Pantaleo AND others contributed to Garner's death. Moreover, big Eric suffered from asthma and a heart condition and his obesity was obvious.Well played Mr. Prosecutor. That the Grand Jury could not conclude that Pantaleo ALONE caused Garner's death was a foregone and prosecutor-engineered conclusion.And today the U.S. Attorney General announced that, after investigating for one year, the U.S. DOJ has found that the City of Cleveland in a Pattern and Practice of using excessive force and has or will enter into a "Consent Decree" agreement with the DOJ, bloody wonderful.I suppose that had the conclusion been arrived at two weeks ago, that twelve year-old terrorist with the toy gun would have had a greater chance of surviving that encounter..Chris Rock asked "how come they never shoot white kids?" I have nothing to add other than yesterday the Missouri AG admitted that his state's use-of-force statute is unconstitutional. He should have made this known before last Monday. Better yet, he should have appeared before and said so to the Grand Jury looking into the Mike Brown affair.The sin of sloth.
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