Great minds think alike: fools seldom differ

Today, December 5, 2019, was a banner day for Racial Profiling reports, by locals, in San Diego. I found nothing new in any of them. Not even the cowardice. I take comfort in the fact that all of my yelping, though in vain, was not without factual basis. Two groups; one commissioned by the ACLU and another of unknown authority or support, concluded that being Black or Hispanic is bad business, if you encounter the cops. Only very bright people would have come to such conclusions. Great minds all.

The usual sycophants were well quoted; mendicants and sycophants all repeating the old tired phrases. Give them a donation. That will shut them up.

In God we trust. All others must bring data...Bloomberg.

What was troubling was the abject failure to comment on the quality of the data; it has no quality.
So what?


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