
Showing posts from June, 2016

Self inflicted wounds or the result of a data meat axe?

I have received tables that purportedly represent citations issued, by the SDPD, for the period Jan 2015 through December 2015. It contains 103,109 Vehicle Code-related records. I have taken a mighty leap and concluded that these records are all the result of traffic stops. That is where the sense ceases. Month Year Records Computed Citations Actual Citations Difference Projected Stops Multiplier Percentage Missing Percentage Cited Jan-15 9133 5200 9040 -3840 16443 0.45023 73.85 56.94 Feb-15 10584 6462 9068 -2606 16494 0.45023 40.33 61.05 Mar-15 9676 5169 6899 -1730 12548 0.45023 33.47 53.42 Apr-15 10870 5991 7569 -1578 13767