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The Prodigal Penguin Finch



wastefully or recklessly extravagant:
prodigal expenditure.
giving or yielding profusely; lavish (usually followed by of or with):
prodigal of smiles; prodigal with money.
lavishly abundant; profuse:
nature's prodigal resources.
The finch is none of those things, the title was used for alliterative effect. On the other hand, I would not be honest if I were not to admit that I have received lavish, abundant and profuse satisfaction in following the bird. And, so, the word stays; as long as the bird stays.

As is my wont, my mornings are spent doing the same nothing each day. One particular morning in mid-may was no different, coffee then, tea then a visit to each plant to check on its welfare and to water it, if necessary. Then there was a sound; a sound not noticed; a sound that deserved no attention and one that got none; a squawk; a caw; certainly not a chirp; a bird unlike all others, but I kept to my business.


On most days, the unique voice would be heard like a morning greeting. It became increasingly clear that somehow the bird had insinuated itself into my soul; obvious it was that my very sense of well-being was connected to that of my feathered friend. My friend who came and went as she pleased, obviously oblivious of my presence or care and indifferent to both.

My friend had made friends, one of which seemed to be a particularly close friend. Wherever the the fried would go the penguin would follow. Sometimes there would be a gang of them, all brown except for the penguin.

I began to wonder -and to express that wonder- from whence she came. The consensus was that she had been freed or freed herself -as I prefer to think- from a pet's cage.  What was really important is that she was free and had now existed in an alien world, for at least one month, and was not the worse for wear.

Joining the gang

The naming
One weekend Sydney Marcela declared that her name was Mardi. Why Mardi I asked? Because she is a Mardi Gras princess.duh. Pardon my ignorance, I should have known that.

For reasons that may be, or may become, obvious to others, I would have called her Rachel Dolezal.

For much of last week and all of this, I, with increasing anxiety, commingled with fear and foreboding, contemplated a world without the princess, who I had not seen for the entire period. Wednesday's appearance of the hawk did little to allay my fears, which fears were compounded by the likelihood that I or, preferably, one of you, would be called upon to answer to Sydney as to the whereabouts of Mardi.

Well, around 15 minutes ago I was in the other bathroom and heard that distinctive squawk. I checked myself and listened more keenly. There it was again. Hurrying downstairs, I went to the front yard and to Mardi's bush. Nothing there. Within seconds onto the roof flew Mardi's pal. Again, seconds later, Mardi flew onto the cactus. The peripatetic princess was soon gone; off she went to the Holiodor's roof.

The Hawk at rest

The Hawk. The "allmighty" Hawk

Let the hawk stay away, impressive though it is.

All through the rest of July and to this point in mid-August, the little heartthrob would absent itself  for days-on-end, only to reappear for days in succession. It was never predictable and the effect of its appearance impressed others, my daughter and granddaughter in particular..I noticed the smiles; the transfixed stares and heard the comments. My wife is not immune either.

September 2015
Late last month, Fay Hylton  displayed some of the pictures of Mardi to he client, a devoted birder, who recognized the type and offered concern for the coming colder months. What to do? I suppose that Mardi will join the gang members in going to that place where the others go when it gets cool here. Moreover, it never gets truly cold.

September 8, 2015
I could tell that you were more than a little anxious about the welfare of the royal finch. I am happy to assure you that Mardi was heard and observed, just now, on the uppermost branch of the cactus.

By the time I had fetched my phone, to take a photograph, she was observed winging her way to the house with the boat and dogs. You may say she had "gone to the dogs."
September 30, 2015
It had been almost two weeks since my last sighting of the princess. Yesterday, Fay Hylton was quite convinced that she had heard Mardi, early in the morning. I could not confirm it. 

Today, at around 11a.m. I heard and observed Mardi, she was on the peak of the roof of the house occupied by the Indian family. Mardi is distinctive.and distinct. She fle of in my direction, but I could not tell where she went. I looked for a few minutes and then gave up. I went inside, relieved. I am owned by the bird.

October 12, 2015
A Bunch of Hooligans In The Dead Plum Tree
I suppose that it is around two weeks since your last Mardi update (and my observation of the bird.)

Well; alerted again by Mardi's distinctive call, I observed Mardi and a bunch of her noisy friends around an hour ago. 

November 4, 2015
Not the bird you knew. A hearing followed by a sighting @ 7:43am. 

While cleaning off your mother's car I heard that voice. I searched diligently and saw nothing. I was excited anyway, so I rushed to the door and called your mother to tell her. She was still getting dressed and refused to come down to join the visual search; spoilsport.

A few minutes later again came that voice; closer and closer now, then visual contact. Over our roof went the gang, Marti as wingbird. But this time the flight path was different from those previously observed; erratic.  They started in one direction then suddenly, without warning it seems, changed direction and altitude. Having tail feathers allows that, The Visual Flight Rules do not.

Birdbrains; all of them.

Sighting 2 around  9:15am.

In the bush by the mailbox. It flits within the bush amongst the numerous branches so that taking a photograph is impossible; impossible for me.

November 27, 2015
You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come flying.

Walking back from the side gate SMK asked "where is Marti." I replied that I had not seem Marti for weeks, but that was how it usually was. Sometimes Marti would not appear for a very long time. Satisfied with the truth, she went inside.

Suddenly, apparently out of nowhere came this fight of birds including you know who. Excitedly, I rushed to the door to fetch my granddaughter. Marti hung around for a few minutes; was observed by all and disappeared just the same way as she appeared- into nowhere,  


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