Justice (Department) Delayed is Justice Denied

An E mail having roughly these contents, was sent to the California DOJ on Saturday Sept 5, 2015 
from:Richard Hylton hyltonrichard@gmail.com
cc:Jennifer McClory <Jennifer.McClory@doj.ca.gov>,
"Soublet, Brian G.@DMV" <Brian.Soublet@dmv.ca.gov>
bcc:880 Front Street <hortencia.barajas@usdoj.gov>,
"Denise Viera Esq." <Denise.Viera@usdoj.gov>
date:Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 5:52 PM
subject:If any question why they died say its because the DOJ dallied

The title  or subject line from Kipling's Epitaphs of the (Great) War (written while mourning his son, John.)

If any question why we died
Tell them, because our fathers lied.

On or around August 23, 2015, I wrote the attached or linked communication. It was delivered to the DOJ on or Around August 30, 2015. I had notified the DOJ and the DMV about elements of this mess years ago; and repeatedly. To kill them you have to stop them first.

On or around September 2, 2015, your initiative was announced; serendipitous I say, but tardy too, because your department, and the country, as a whole, has long known of these things, but chose to deny them. With videos, the denials have subsided but have not disappeared. The videos need a) enhancement; b) re-enactment; c) do not tell the whole story; d) need to be withheld from the public (who cannot be allow to trust their lying eyes.) Since some have criticized the documented police murders, there is "War on the Police." There has been humour too. The policeman directing a group  or marching protesters, who chanted "Pigs in a Blanket, fry them like bacon", was heard to broadcast, over his radio, "Well at least everyone likes bacon." Some in positions of leadership, in this city, seized upon the chant  by claiming it was a call to murder cops.

For the foregoing reasons, I shall not permit you, or anyone, to cast any of the data, that you now show, as something "new"; other than the "newness" of your paying  attention or being being focused on these things. You do not have my interests at heart. Concealment is your game. Play alone; but first:

Inline image 2

An answer to the Attorney General's question; "What are the numbers?" she said. "What are the facts around how we can improve these numbers and improve the situation?" may be found in my August communication under the caption or heading Statistics. The mentioned Appendix is linked here.
As is obvious, from what little I have sent, a significant number of the dead were initially contacted through vehicle stops, of the "chicken shi[1]t" variety, as we saw happen in Ferguson, Carolina, Texas and Cincinnati,Ohio and elsewhere.

San Diego's data shows that, here, people are stopped for being Black and, to a lesser degree, for being Hispanic as a direct result of the training curriculum and other training regimen that are employed by the SDPD. All or the foregoing are a). "facts that we know that we can actually quantify, that can help influence public policy", and b). can be proven or supported by statistical or mathematical formulae; the very items that the AG seeks.

Finally; In the next stanza of his poem of penance[2], Kipling became prophetic, but some here would put this to another use:

I could not dig: I dared not rob:
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young?

I will write again next week to point out the shortcomings of your data sets and shall be making suggestions; lots of them.

[1]  According to the prosecutor in the Cincinnati case, where Mr. Dubose was murdered. 
[2] The champion of imperialism had forced the boy to enlist and, when he was found to have physical shortcomings, had “pulled strings” to have him accepted.
Richard Hylton
13166 Jane Court
San Diego, CA 92129


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